What makes AfricanPlant.com so special?

We live in a highly competitive world and business is challenging. These are tough economic times and every business has to watch its bottom line very carefully to even hope to succeed. Businesses that need to invest in heavy machinery especially have to know that the purchases they make are astute ones. They need to be very sure that they are obtaining equipment that is not only built to last but the best they can get at the best possible prices.

Fortunately, one man, realising that the answer lay in the purchasing of high-quality Used Equipment stepped up to the plate to offer businesses just such a range of products.

Enter AfricanPlant.com

With a complete understanding of all that his clients would need, with 22 years of experience the industry, Mark Van Heusden started Africaplant.com, a proudly South African company that deals exclusively with the sale of Used Equipment. Mark, with a successful background in sales in the heavy equipment industry, knew that certain key factors would need to be present from day one in order to achieve his ultimate goal to become the best quality Used Equipment dealer. These were…

Exceptional Service

Mark has always believed that whatever you are selling exceptional service needs to accompany it. Consequently, he goes far beyond the role of a normal salesperson. He meets with every client and inspects each machine with them ensuring that it is a perfect fit for their requirements and fully up to their standards. Mark even flies all over the country to view and source the right machines for his clients, whether large or small, to exactly match their specifications.
Mark values the trust that clients place in him and treasures the relationships formed with them and his suppliers. Says Mark, ‘’Thanks to living up to the values of honesty, enthusiasm, professionalism and integrity, plus our faith and our knowledge & experience we have loyal clients that have been with us since 2001!’’

Working besides Mark, is Lauren Bezuidenhout. Her dedication Knows No Limits. Lauren’s commitment to delivering unparalleled service is always on full display, as she consistently goes above and beyond for every client, regardless of the project’s size. Lauren’s approach is driven by a genuine desire for your satisfaction, propelling her to work diligently behind the scenes, always ready and willing to provide assistance.

A Wide Range of Quality Products

Mark also understood the vital importance of being able to supply a full range of equipment and the peace of mind that comes with buying renowned brands and so Africaplant.com supplies Excavators, ADTs, Rollers, Graders, Dozers, Skidsteers/Bobcats, Loaders, Rigid trucks, Cone crushers, screens and more.

All of these are available from the best Original Equipment Manufacturers.

Building Relationships

Building relationships with our clients no matter how big or small is of the utmost importance to us and we pride ourselves on the service we provide to them. We have also built a reputation on being able to immediately supply our clients with the equipment they need, something that is a problem when buying new.

We really thank our clients for their on-going support over the years, we value and respect them and can’t thank them enough for their business, friendship and support.
All told, many good reasons make Africaplant.com so special and we would love to know what your requirements are so that you too can benefit from the excellent service and wide range of quality Used Equipment we have made available to many South Africans and even some businesses abroad.
Contact us or view our website today – Africaplant.com is always available to serve you.

Mark van Heusden

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